Table for Two
Once again, during these extraordinary times when the glimpse of a neighbor is rare and even that occasion hurried and anxious, I continue to find the moments -- the poetry in people -- in moments where they are not. In the surreal quiet around us, traces of people linger; whispers that speak -- though softly -- of intentions and needs. Here, a table for two. A simple card table and simple chairs set up on the grass outside one apartment in a row of others that speaks of the need of connection; togetherness and also to the gift of the Springtime air.
This scene to me does not read desperation. It's not grudging in its compromise -- balancing the call of the freedom of the outdoors with our responsibilities to the health of our community. Nor is it the insistence of some personal right. Rather, this scene is peaceful. It's a true pleasure in the blooming trees, the earthy smells that surround, and the company of a friend.
I suspect this table for two would be set exactly as it is in any other circumstance.
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