About the Collection
The photos that follow are not technically perfect. The have not earned their spot in the collection because the exemplify mastery over the f-stop or an expertly crafted composition. Many are grainy, overexposed, or out of focus. Most have been shot with a phone camera and not the hotsy-totsy brand, either. They are honorable for other reasons. These photos, instead, are about a moment -- a moment often so beautifully fleeting the result might even be a blur of a capture that requires an explanation tacked on. Poetry in People is a project birthed of a somewhat spiritual quest to truly see the world and its people around us, to turn on the conscious processing mind and effortfully experience the connections happening around us. Each of these photos is meant to radiate the profundity in the common, everyday moments we too often miss as we flit around on automatic pilot -- invisible to each other. This project is a challenge to all its contributors -- in a collaborative effort -- to LOOK, to SEE, and to, s bystanders, APPRECIATE and HONOR an instant of human beauty, a moment so glorious in its simplicity, so palpable in its expression that it could very well inspire an ode written about it. These moments are poetry. These people are their authors.
Click on each photo to read about the moment.
Click on each photo to read about the moment.
You are invited to contribute your photos of the simply profound people you discover and to follow us on Instagram at poetryinpeoplephotos.
Send your images to poetryinpeoplephotos@gmail.com.
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