GUEST SUBMISSION: Look for the Helpers (Georgia)
Mr. Fred Rogers once said, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'" As we are inundated with news not only of sickness and death but of horrible human behavior -- hoarding, fighting, and the like -- focusing on the helpers is now more important than ever.
This Guest Submission comes from Georgia, in an area hit particularly hard by COVID-19. Schools have been officially announced closed for -- at least -- the rest of the academic year; a lockdown was put in place with police threatening severe fines and jail time for violators. The situation is, for the residents here, in-your-face grim. BUT... there are helpers. And in their actions is a poetry that threads the fabric of humanity.
Writes the guest poster of this photo:
"Today as I was sitting eating fries in my car before going into Walmart I came upon these two gentlemen! At first I only saw the older one with a mask. But here popped a complete stranger to help him with his groceries. The older gentlemen tried to get things unloaded to help the younger guy. But the younger guy told him to stay back that he would do it alone. This kind of kindness melted my heart. I thought he was being nice but also thoughtful not to get close to him at all ! But what made me even happier is that we’ve seen many posts of older people not being able to get groceries. But this guy had his buggy FULL! Made my day to see kindness even though there’s so much negativity in the world today."
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