Grocery Store Heroics

Selecting the image -- THE IMAGE -- that kicks of this blog might have, in other circumstances, been grueling, akin to picking a favorite child.  But now, particularly NOW, as I sit at home with my children, home from their first week from school as the world battles a pandemic and we are all feeling uncertainty, sadness, and helplessness, there is no one more representative of fortitude and grace and love than this man.  He is EVERYTHING Poetry in People is meant to be. His presence -- in a single moment in a single parking lot doing his job courageously and consistently was a message for me of persistence; one that I needed to feel and extract for myself.

He's so beautiful. 

I typically seek him out to say hello and see him smile whenever I go shopping at this store but today his daily toils took on a special meaning. Pushing those carts day in and day out in all types of weather is heroic enough. But now, during THESE DAYS, this beautiful soul remains a solid constant. I do hope people appreciate and SEE him.


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